Bárbara Rojas-Ayala


Instituto de Alta Investigación  

Universidad de Tarapacá

Email: brojasayala AT academicos.uta.cl

Twitter/Instagram: @cosmicbabs

Orcid ID: 0000-0002-0149-130 Scopus Author ID: 26435483200 ResearcherID: G-4382-2015

I’m an observational astronomer interested in low-mass stars and exoplanets, particularly in the characterization of M dwarf stars as planet hosts and as the main constituents of the Milky Way. Since 2019, I'm an Associate Professor at the Instituto de Alta Investigación (IAI) of the Universidad de Tarapacá (UTA)

Publications: You can find them all in this ADS list and in Publons

Curriculum Vitae: You can find it here.